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Lacrosse Camp
in Summer Sports 2025
Lacrosse Camp - FULL
with Ethan Judd

Co-Ed Camp - Learn about Lacrosse - no equipment or experience necessary! Available to all students grades 6-12, no matter the school you attend.*See other registration for single day camp purchases*
Camp Dates:
- 5/16
- 6/6
- 6/13
- 6/20
Lacrosse Camp - Single Day
with Ethan Judd

Co-Ed Camp - Learn about Lacrosse - no equipment or experience necessary! Available to all students grades 6-12, no matter the school you attend.*See other registration for a discount if you plan to attend the entire camp (includes all dates for only $40!)
- 5/16 Camp - FREE
- 6/6 Camp - $15
- 6/13 Camp - $15
- 6/20 Camp - $15